Yi Zhang, Ph.D. 【张翼,博士】



基因组调控与人类健康实验室(Laboratory for Genome Regulation and Human Heath)
基因组分析中心 (Center for Genome Analysis)
地址:武汉市 江夏区 高新二路388号 生物医药园企业加速器


  • 2000年5月 博士学位,美国新泽西州医科大学(University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey)
  • 1992年7月 学士学位,南开大学生物系


  • 2010- 总裁兼首席科学家,武汉生命之美科技有限公司(ABLife, Inc.)
  • 2005-2010 固定研究员,国家病毒学重点实验室
  • 2003-2010 教授, 博士生导师,武汉大学生命科学学院
  • 2001-2005 副系主任, 武汉大学生命科学学院生物技术系
  • 2000-2003 副教授, 武汉大学生命科学学院
  • 2000.1-6 博士后, 美国新泽西州医科大学分子遗传与微生物学系,Piscataway, New Jersey, USA.
  • 1994-1999 博士研究生, 美国新泽西州医科大学分子遗传与微生物学系,Piscataway, New Jersey, USA.
  • 1993-1994 实验员 美国Rutgers大学农业生物技术中心, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
  • 1992-1993 实习实验员, 东北制药总厂,沈阳


  • 1994-2000: I型内含子作为抗菌药物靶标的研究
  • 2000-2010:
    1. I型内含子RNA的折叠,结构与剪切调控研究
    2. I型内含子RNA和tRNA为靶的药物开发与作用机制研究
    3. 细菌染色质分配机制和转座子研究
    4. 人类pre-mRNA可变剪切调控机制,及其在癌症和遗传疾病中的功能研究
    5. 人类非编码RNA(miRNA和LncRNA)的鉴定,调控机制,及其与发育和癌症之间的关系
    6. 乙肝病毒RNA可变剪切调控,miRNA调控及抗病毒应用
  • 2010-
    1. 以pre-mRNA和RNA结合蛋白相互作用为枢纽的人类基因组调控网格解析,及其在肿瘤发生和发展中的作用,以及相关的肿瘤诊断和治疗新策略的研究。
    2. 以AGO-microRNA相互作用为枢纽的人类基因组调控网络解析,及其在肿瘤中发生和发展中的作用,以及相关的肿瘤诊断和治疗新策略的研究。
    3. 以DGCR8与pri-miRNA为枢纽的microRNA表达调控网络解析,及其在肿瘤中发生和发展中的作用,以及相关的肿瘤诊断和治疗新策略的研究。
    4. 以非编码RNA-RNA结合蛋白相互作用为枢纽的基因组稳定性和基因表达的调控,及其与肿瘤发生和发展的关系研究。
    5. 血液样本中microRNA表达谱的高通量测序鉴定,及其在肿瘤临床诊中的应用。


  • 2013 入选湖北省第三批引进海外高层人才“百人计划”
  • 2012 入选武汉市东湖高新区“3551光谷人才计划”
  • 2011 “揭示致癌蛋白作用新机制”研究成果入选“两院院士评选翰林杯2010年中国十大科技进展新闻”
  • 2006 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
  • 2006 武汉大学2006年度先进科技工作者
  • 2003 获得武汉市人才计划“武汉市晨光计划”支持(奖励35岁以下年轻学者
  • 2003 武汉大学“国际交流与合作暨港澳台工作”先进工作者


  • 2009- Frontiers in Biology编委
  • 2005- 《中国生物化学与分子生物学》编委
  • 2004-2009 湖北省生物化学与分子生物学协会理事
  • 2002-2003 第三届全国RNA会议暨第一届国际RNA研讨会,组委和执行主席
  • 2002- 中国生物化学与分子生物学协会RNA专业委员会委员
  • 2002- 国家自然科学基金委生物化学学科项目评阅人
  • 2003- 教育部留学人员启动基金特邀评委
  • 2000- 美国RNA协会会员
  • 1999- 美国微生物协会会员


Nucleic Acids Research,Journal Molecuar Biology,Applied Biochemistry and Biotech,International Journal of Integrative Biology,中国科学通报,自然科学进展,美国国家科学基金(NSF),奥地利科学基金(FWF)等


  • 2006 “国家级精品课程(分子生物学)”(课程负责人)
  • 2007 “国家级双语教学示范课程(分子生物学)”(课程负责人)
  • 2003 优秀研究生任课教师奖
  • 2002 厦门新创青年教师奖

Selective Publications (代表性学术论文)

共发表SCI论文50余篇,影响因子累计超过 350(2017JCR).

  1. Li Jiang, Changwei Shao, Qi-Jia Wu, Geng Chen, Jie Zhou, Bo Yang, Hairi Li, Lan-Tao Gou, Yi Zhang, Yangming Wang, Gene W Yeo, Yu Zhou & Xiang-Dong Fu. NEAT1 scaffolds RNA-binding proteins and the Microprocessor to globally enhance pri-miRNA processing. Nat Struct Mol Biol. (2017) Aug 28. doi: 10.1038/nsmb.3455.
  2. Wanjin Li, Zihan Zhang, Xinhua Liu, Xiao Cheng, Yi Zhang, Xiao Han, Yu Zhang, Shumeng Liu, Jianguo Yang, Bosen Xu, Lin He, Luyang Sun, Jing Liang, and Yongfeng Shang. The FOXN3-NEAT1-SIN3A repressor complex promotes progression of hormonally responsive breast cancer. The Journal of Clinical Investigation (2017) doi:1172/JCI94233.
  3. Siling Liu, Zhengbo Wang, Dong Chen, Bowen Zhang, Renrong Tian, Jing Wu, Ying Zhang, Kaiyu Xu, Liumeng Yang, Chao Cheng, Jian Ma, Longbao Lv, Yongtang Zheng, Xintian Hu, Yi Zhang*, Xiangting Wang and Jiali Li. Annotation and cluster analysis of spatiotemporal-and sex-related lncRNA expression in Rhesus macaque brain. Genome Research (2017) doi:10.1101/gr.217463.116
  4. Heng Xia, Dong Chen, Qijia Wu, Gang Wu, Yanhong Zhou, Yi Zhang* and Libin Zhang. CELF1 preferentially binds to exon-intron boundary and regulates alternative splicing in HeLa cells. BBA – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms (2017) doi:10.1016/j.bbagrm.2017.07.004
  5. Xuyan Peng, Guohui Shang, Wenqing Wang, Xiaowen Chen, Qiyong Lou, Gang Zhai, Dongliang Li, Zhenyu Du, Yali Ye, Xia Jin,1 Jiangyan He, Yi Zhang, and Zhan Yin. (2017) Fatty acid oxidation in zebrafish adipose tissue is promoted by 1a,25(OH)2 Cell Reports 19:1444-1455.
  6. Wei Liu, Xia Li, Shengjie Liao, Kefeng Dou, Yi Zhang*. (2017) Activation of the intronic cryptic 5′ splice site depends on its distance to the upstream cassette exon. Gene doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2017.03.023
  7. Lirong Jin, Guanglin Li, Dazhao Yu1, Wei Huang, Chao Cheng, Shengjie Liao, Qijia Wu and Yi Zhang* (2017). Transcriptome analysis reveals the complexity of alternative splicing regulation in the fungus Verticillium dahliae. BMC Genomics (2017) 18:130
  8. Yong Zhang, Lianfeng Gu, Yifeng Hou, Lulu Wang, Xian Deng, Runlai Hang, Dong Chen, Xiansheng Zhang, Yi Zhang, Chunyan Liu and Xiaofeng Cao (2015). Integrative genome-wide analysis reveals HLP1, a novel RNA-binding protein, regulates plant flowering by targeting alternative polyadenylation. Cell Research 25:864–876.
  9. Hongyu Chen, Xiuling Chen, Dong Chen, Jingfu Li, Yi Zhang* and Aoxue Wang (2015). A comparison of the low temperature transcriptomes of two tomato genotypes that differ in freezing tolerance: Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum habrochaites. BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:132.
  10. Shao C, Yang B, Wu T, Huang J, Tang P, Zhou Y, Zhou J, Qiu J, Jiang L, Li H, Chen G, Sun H, Zhang Y, Denise A, Zhang DE, Fu XD. (2014). Mechanisms for U2AF to define 3′ splice sites and regulate alternative splicing in the human genome. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 21:997-1005
  11. Zhang X, Zuo X, Yang B, Li Z, Xue Y, Zhou Y, Huang J, Zhao X, Zhou J, Yan Y, Zhang H, Guo P, Sun H, Guo L, Zhang Y, Fu XD (2014). MicroRNA directly enhances mitochondrial translation during muscle differentiation. Cell 158:607-169.
  12. Yanling Wang, Li Jiang, Xiong Ji, Bo Yang, Yi Zhang, Xiang-Dong Fu (2013). Hepatitis B Viral RNA Directly Mediates Down-Regulation of the Tumor Suppressor MicroRNA miR-15a/miR-16-1 in Hepatocytes. Journal Biological Chemistry 288:18484-18493. [Epub 2013 May 6]
  13. Yu Zhou, Yann Ponty, Stephane Vialette, Jerome Waldispuhl, Yi Zhang, and Alain Denise (2013). Flexible RNA design under structure and sequence constraints using formal languages. Proceedings of ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics (2013).
  14. Yuanchao Xue, Kunfu Ouyang, Jie Huang, Yu Zhou, Hong Ouyang, Hairi Li, Gang Wang, Qijia Wu, Chaoliang Wei, Yanzhen Bi, Li Jiang, Zhiqiang Cai, Hui Sun, Kang Zhang, Yi Zhang, Ju Chen, and Xiang-Dong Fu (2013). Direct Conversion of Fibroblasts to Neurons by Reprogramming PTB-Regulated MicroRNA Circuits. Cell 152: 82-96.
  15. Rui Xiao, Peng Tang, Bo Yang, Jie Huang, Yu Zhou, Hairi Li, Hui Sun, Yi Zhang* and Xiang-Dong Fu*. 2012Nuclear Matrix Factor hnRNP U/SAF-A Exerts a Global Control of Alternative Splicing by Regulating U2 snRNP Maturation. Molecular Cell 45:656-668. (Cover story, March 9) [Epub ahead of print at Feb 8, 2012]
  16. Chen Huang, Mao-Hua Xie, Wei Liu, Bo Yang, Fan Yang, Jingang Huang, Qijia Wu, Xiang-Dong Fu and Yi Zhang*. (2011) A structured RNA in HBV PRE represses alternative splicing in a sequence-independent and position-dependent manner. FEBS Journal (Published online 2011 Apr 1)
  17. Lin Huang, Ping Yin, Xing Zhu, Yi Zhang and Keqiong Ye. (2011) Crystal structure and centromere binding of the plasmid segregation protein ParB from pCXC100. Nucleic Acids Research (Published online 2010 Dec 1)
  18. Dingding Mo, Qi-Jia Wu, Lingjia Wu, Youzhi Xu, Jun Ren, Long Wang, Lin Huang, Penghui Bao, Mao-Hua Xie, Ping Yin, Bi-Feng Liu, Yi Liang, Yi Zhang*. (2011) A maturase that specifically stabilizes and activates its cognate group I intron at high temperatures. Biochimie 93: 533-541. (Epub ahead of print at 2010 Dec 1)
  19. Yi Zhang*. (2010) RNA silencing mechanisms are highly differentiated in eukaryotes. Frontiers in Biology 5(6): 471-472.
  20. W Liu W, Zhou Y, Hu Z, Sun T, Denise A, Fu X-D*, Zhang Y*. (2010) Regulation of splicing enhancer activities by RNA secondary structures. FEBS Letter 584:4401-4407
  21. Xue Y, Zhou Y, Wu T, Zhu T, Ji X, Kwon Y-S, Zhang C, Yeo G, Black DL, Sun H, Fu X-D*, and Zhang Y*. (2009) Genome-wide analysis of PTB binding reveals a strategy used by the general splicing repressor to positively or negatively regulate alternative splicing in mammalian cells. Molecular Cell 36:996-1006 (Cover stoty, Dec 24).
  • Faculty of 1000 Biology (January 10, 2010)
  • Reported by Science and Technology Daily of China (Jan. 1, 2010)
  1. Wang F, Fu X-D, Zhou Y, Zhang Y*. (2009) Down-regulation of the cyclin E1 oncogene expression by microRNA-16-1 induces cell cycle arrest in human cancer cells. BMB reports 42:725-730 (Nov 30)
  2. Zhang L, Bao P, Leibowitz MJ, Zhang Y*. (2009) Slow formation of a pseudoknot structure is rate limiting in the productive co-transcriptional folding of the self-splicing Candida intron. RNA 15:1986-1992. [Epub ahead of print at Aug 26]
  3. Zhang L, Leibowitz MJ, Zhang Y*. (2009) Antisense oligonucleotides effectively inhibit the co-transcriptional splicing of a Candida group I intron in vitro and in vivo: Implications for antifungal therapeutics. FEBS Letters 583:734-738. [Epub online at Jan. 19, 2009]
  4. Xie M, Wu Q-J, Jiang Y-F, Bao P, Zhang Y*. (2009) A phage RNA-binding protein binds to a non-cognate structured RNA and stabilizes its core structure. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 378:168-173. [Epub ahead of print Nov, 2008]
  5. Qijia Wu, Lin Huang, Yi Zhang(2009)The structure and function of catalytic RNAs,Science in China Series C: Life Sciences 52:232-244.
  6. Bao P, Wu QJ, Yin P, Jiang Y, Wang X, Xie MH, Sun T, Huang L, Mo DD, Zhang Y*. (2008). Coordination of two sequential ester-transfer reactions: Exogenous guanosine binding promotes the subsequent wG binding to a group I intron. Nucleic Acids Research 36: 6934 – 6943. [Epub ahead of print at Oct 31]
  7. Cheng L, Lin H, Fan X, Qiu S, Sun T, Li T-Y* and Zhang Y*. (2008) A novel toxin–antitoxin operon talA/B from the Gram-positive bacterium Leifsonia xyli subsp. cynodontis. FEBS Letters 582:3211-3216. [Sept 22, Epub 2008 Aug 21]
  8. Sun T, Zhang Y*. (2008) Pentamidine binds to tRNA through non-specific hydrophobic interactions and inhibits aminoacylation and translation. Nucleic Acids Research 36:1654-1664. [March, 2008, Epub ahead of print at Feb 7]
  9. Tong WP, Zhou Y, Wang X, Yang F, Wu KL, Wu J, Zhang Y*. (2008) An accurate quantitative method for screening effective siRNA probes targeting a Hepatitis B virus transcript in single living cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 367 (4):866-873 (21 March 2008).
  10. Zhou Y, Lu C, Wu QJ, Wang Y, Sun ZT, Deng JC, Zhang Y*. (2008) GISSD: Group I Intron Sequence and Structure Database. Nucleic Acids Research 36:D31-D37. [Published online, 2007 Oct 16, printed at January, 2008].
  11. Coutinho-Mansfield GC, Xue Y, Zhang Y, Fu XD (2007) PTB/nPTB switch: a post-transcriptional mechanism for programming neuronal differentiation. Genes & Development 21(13):1573-1577. [Printed in July 1]
  12. Lin H, Li TY, Xie MH, Zhang Y* (2007) Characterization of the variants, flanking genes and promoter activity of Leifsonia xyli subsp. cynodontis insertion sequence IS1237. Journal of Bacteriology 189:3217-3227. [Printed in Apr. Epub 2007 Feb 9]
  13. Meng Q, Zhang Y, Liu XQ. (2007) Rare group I intron with insertion sequence element in a bacterial ribonucleotide reductase gene. Journal of Bacteriology 189:2150-2154. [Printed in Mar. Epub 2006 Dec 15.]
  14. Yin P, Li TY, Xie MH, Jiang L, Zhang Y *. (2006) A type Ib ParB protein involving in plasmid partitioning in a gram-positive bacterium. Journal of Bacteriology 188:8103-8108. [Printed in Dec. Epub 2006 Sep 22]
  15. Jiang YF, Xiao M, Yin P, Zhang Y*. (2006) Monovalent cations use multiple mechanisms to resolve ribozyme misfolding. RNA 12:561-566. [printed in April, Epub 2006 Feb 22]
  16. Zhou J, Wu J, Liu X, Qu F, Xiao M, Zhang Y, Charles L, Zhang CC, Peng L. (2006) Cooperative binding and self-assembling behavior of cationic low molecular-weight dendrons with RNA molecules. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 4(3):581-585. [Printed Feb 7, Epub 2006 Jan 9]
  17. Han-xing Liu, Jun-jian Zhang, Ping Zheng, Yi Zhang. (2005) Altered expression of MAP-2, GAP-43, and synaptophysin in the hippocampus of rats with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion correlates with cognitive impairment. Molecular Brain Research, 139 (1): 169-177. [Printed Sep 13]
  18. Mu Xiao, Tingting Li, Xiaoyan Yuan, Yuan Shang, Fu Wang, Shoudeng Chen and Yi Zhang*. (2005) A peripheral element assembles the compact core structure essential for group I self-splicing. Nucleic Acids Research 33:4602-4611. [Printed Aug 12]
  19. Zhiqiang Chen and Yi Zhang*. (2005) Dimethylsulfoxide targets phage RNA polymerases to promote transcription. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 333: 664-670. [Printed Aug 5]
  20. Zhijie Li and Yi Zhang*. (2005) Predicting the secondary structures and tertiary interactions of 211 group I introns in IE subgroup. Nucleic Acids Research 33:2118-2128. [Printed Apr 20]
  21. Jiangyu Wu, Jiehua Zhou, Fanqi Qu, Penghui Bao, Yi Zhang, Ling Peng. (2005) Polycationic dendrimers interact with RNA molecules: polyamine dendrimers inhibit the catalytic activity of Candida ribozymes. Chemical Communications (Camb). 2005(3):313-315. [Printed Jan 21. Epub 2004 Dec 9]
  22. Xiaoyan Jiang, Guanhua Du, Yi Zhang*. (2005) High throughput screening antifungal drugs using Candida albicans as a model. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal 39:919-922.
  23. Libin Zhang, Mu Xiao, Chen Lu and Yi Zhang*. (2005) Fast formation of the P3-P7 pseudoknot: a strategy for efficient folding of the catalytically active ribozyme. RNA 11:58-69. [Printed Epub 2004 Dec 1.]
  24. Tai-Yuan Li, Ping Yin, Yu Zhou, Yi Zhang*, Yong-Ping Zhang, Tseh-an Chen. (2004) Characterization of the replicon of a 51-kb native plasmid from the gram-positive bacterium Leifsonia xyli cynodontis. FEMS Microbiology Letters 236: 33-39. [Printed July 1
  25. Lin Cheng, Tai-Yuan Li, Yi Zhang*. (2004) Rapid preparation of total nucleic acids from coli for multi-purpose applications. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 37:351-355. [Printed May 31]
  26. Mu Xiao, Michael J. Leibowitz and Yi Zhang*. (2003) Concerted folding of a Candida ribozyme to the catalytically active structure posterior to a rapid RNA compaction. Nucleic Acids Research 31:3901-3908. (The cover paper of the issue) [Printed Jul 15]
  27. Yi Zhang, Zhijie Li, D. S. Pilch and M. J. Leibowitz. (2002) Pentamidine inhibits catalytic activity of group I intron Ca.LSU by altering RNA folding. Nucleic Acids Research 30:2961-2971. [Printed Jul 1]
  28. Yi Zhang and M. J. Leibowitz. (2001) Folding of the group I intron ribozyme from the 26S rRNA gene of Candida albicans. Nucleic Acids Research 29:2644-2653. [Printed June 15]
  29. Yi Zhang, P. S. Perlman and M. J. Leibowitz. (2000) Pentamidine inhibits mitochondrial intron splicing and translation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RNA 6:937-951. [Printed in July]


  • 李志杰,张翼(2003)Ⅰ型内含子核酶研究进展,《生物化学与生物物理进展》(Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics)30 (3):363-369.
  • 张翼(2008)RNA在RNA剪接中的功能:从催化到调控,《生命科学》(Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences) 20(2):202-206.
  • 吴启家,黄林,张翼(2009)催化RNA的结构与功能,《中国科学C辑》39(1):78-90。(SCI,1.61)[中英文。The structure and function of catalytic RNAs]

International conferences and published abstracts【国际会议报告和发表的摘要】

  1. Xiaorong Zhang, Yuanchao Xue, Jie Huang, Xiangdong Fu and Yi Zhang. Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. June 14-18, 2011, Kyoto, Japan. Small RNAs regulate the expression of mitochondrial –encoded respiratory proteins and the cellular energy producton.
  2. Yu Zhou, Yuanchao Xue, Tongbin Wu, Tuo Zhu, Xiong Ji, Chao Zhang, Young-Soo Kwon, Gene Yeo, Hui Sun, Xiang-Dong Fu, and Yi Zhang. 2009 CSHL Meeting on Eukaryotic mRNA Processing . August 18 – 22, 2009, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA. Genome-wide analysis of protein-RNA interaction by CLIPseq reveals a mechanism for PTB-dependent exon inclusion or skipping. (Selected Oral)
  3. Yi Zhang, Yuanchao-Xue, Yu Zhou, Xiang-dong Fu. 21st IUBMB and 12th FaoBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. August 2-7, Shanghai, China. Post-transcriptional interplay between PTB and microRNAs determine mRNA stability. (Invited Oral)
  4. Yuanchao Xue, Yu Zhou, Tongbin Wu, Xiong Ji, Gene Yeo, Black L. Douglas, Yi Zhang, Xiang-Dong Fu. Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. May 2008, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Two Layers of Post-transcriptional Regulation Networks Mediated by PTB in Human Cell. (Selected oral)
  5. Tao Sun and Yi Zhang. Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. July 2008, Berlin, Germany. Pentamidine binds to tRNA through non-specific hydrophobic interactions and inihibits aminoacylation and translation.
  6. Libin Zhang, Yi Zhang. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. June 2006, Seattle, USA. Transcriptionn-coupled folding of a structurally complex pseudoknot in vitro and in vivo
  7. Mao-Hua Xie, Yan-Fei Jiang, Yi Zhang. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. June 2006, Seattle, USA. MS2 phage coat protein binds to a peripheral structure and facilitates self-splicing of a fungal group I ribozyme.
  8. Libin Zhang and Yi Zhang. Tenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. May 2005, Alberta, Canada.
    Oligonucleotides targeting the dynamic core inhibit group I intron splicing in Candida albicans inducing cell death.
  9. Mu Xiao, Tingting Li, Xiaoyan Yuan, Yuan Shang, Fu Wang, Shoudeng Chen and Yi Zhang. Tenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. May 2005, Alberta, Canada. A peripheral element is essential in organizing an intron compact core required for self-splicing activity.
  10. Zhijie Li and Yi Zhang. Tenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. May 2005, Alberta, Canada. Predicting the secondary structures and tertiary interactions of 211 group I introns in IE subgroup.
  11. Zhijie Li and Yi Zhang. RNA Structure and Function: a joint Biochemical Society/Royal Society of Chemistry Focused Meeting. December 2004, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Structural and sequence analysis reveals multiple group I intron lineages among subgroup IE.
  12. Libin Zhang, Chen Lu, Mu Xiao and Yi Zhang. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the China RNA Society & 1st International RNA Workshop in China. October 2003, Wuhan, China. Rapid folding of the native P3-P7 core determines the entry to the trap-free pathway. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(2):148.
  13. Libin Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen, Yi Zhang. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the China RNA Society & 1st International RNA Workshop in China. October 2003, Wuhan, China. Sequential folding slows the formation of the P3-P7 core of the Candida ribozyme. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(2):148.
  14. Tingting Li, Mu Xiao and Yi Zhang. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the China RNA Society & 1st International RNA Workshop in China. October 2003, Wuhan, China. Non-conserved P2.1 stabilizes the tertiary structure and slows the native folding of the Candida ribozyme. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(2):148-149.
  15. Yanfei Jiang, Xuyao Dai and Yi Zhang. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the China RNA Society & 1st International RNA Workshop in China. October 2003, Wuhan, China. Secondary structure is essential in native folding of a large RNA. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(2):149.
  16. Chen Lu and Yi Zhang. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the China RNA Society & 1st International RNA Workshop in China. October 2003, Wuhan, China. Phylogenetic distribution of group I introns in rRNA genes. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(2):149.
  17. Zhijie Li and Yi Zhang. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the China RNA Society & 1st International RNA Workshop in China. October 2003, Wuhan, China. Native Secondary Structures of All Group I Introns in the Subgroup E. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(2):149-150.
  18. Yu Zhou and Yi Zhang. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the China RNA Society & 1st International RNA Workshop in China. October 2003, Wuhan, China. Comparative sequence analysis methods developed for RNA structure prediction. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(2):150.
  19. Jiangyu Wu, Jiehua Zhou, Penghui Bao, Qiongyou Wu, Fanqi Qu, Yi Zhang, Ling Peng. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the China RNA Society & 1st International RNA Workshop in China. October 2003, Wuhan, China. New Dendrimers Inhibit Group I Intron Ribozyme. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(2):158.
  20. Yi Zhang and Mu Xiao. RNA 2003, Eighth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. July 2003, Vienna, Austria. Concerted folding of a group I ribozyme to the catalytically active structure follows a Mg2+-dependent RNA compaction.
  21. Yi Zhang and Libin Zhang. RNA 2002, Seventh Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. May 2002, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Inhibition of Ca.LSU self-splicing by antisense targeting its active sites.
  22. Yi Zhang and Mu Xiao. RNA 2002, Seventh Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. May 2002, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Endonuclease activities derived from Ca.LSU.
  23. Yi Zhang and M. J. Leibowitz. RNA 2001, Sixth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. May 2001, Alberta, Canada. Folding of a group I intron other than Tetrahymena intron.
  24. Yi Zhang, P. S. Perlman, M. J. Leibowitz. 39th icaac (interscience conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherary). Sepertember 1999, San Francisco. Pentamidine inhibits the splicing of the mitochondrial introns in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  25. Yi Zhang and M. J. Leibowitz. 5th Candida and Candidiasis meeting. March 1999, Charleston.Impact of Mg++ on pentamidine inhibition of Candida ribozyme activity.


  1. 张翼 ,NGS,functional genomics and clinical applications. 2013年全国肿瘤分子标志及临床应用中青年专家论坛。西安,2013年4月26-28日。
  2. 张翼,Small RNAs regulate the expression of mitochondrial –encoded respiratory proteins and the cellular energy producton. 第三届中国小核酸技术与应用学术会议。昆山,2011年4月26-29日。
  3. 张翼,Alternative splicing talks to chromatin? 广州第二届A3前瞻计划项目研讨会。广州,2010年11月9-12日。
  4. 张翼,Polypyrimidine tract binding protein: a hub integrating and communicating different layers of RNA regulation. 第六界全国核糖核酸(RNA)学术讨论会,广州,2010年9月27-28日。
  5. 张翼,Epigenetic regulation mediated by RNA-protein interaction. RNA研究专题学术研讨会。上海,2009年12月10-11日。
  6. 张翼,第一届国际癌症(肿瘤)表观遗传调控研讨会暨A3前瞻计划项目和973项目启动会,广州,2009年11月20-22日。
  7. 张翼,Genome-wide analysis of PTB binding reveals a strategy used by the general splicing repressor to positively or negatively regulate alternative splicing in mammalian cells. 生命科学前沿-“组学”与生物技术研讨会。兰州,2009年9月14-16日。
  8. 张翼,RNA调控,生命科学前沿论坛,武汉,2007-7-25。
  9. 张翼,The comprehensive regulatory network mediated by a RNA binding protein through its binding to abundant CU-rich RNA motifs,第五界全国核糖核酸(RNA)学术讨论会,上海,2007-11-25。

Grant Support


  • 癌症早期诊断的新技术开发与产品销售(2012-2016)
    1. 武汉市东湖高新区“3551光谷人才计划”,60万。
    2. 湖北省第三批引进海外高层人才“百人计划”,140万。
  • 武汉大学期间主持的国家级研究项目
    1. 白色念珠菌I型内含子核酶的折叠及结构(2001年1月-12月)
    2. 戊脘眯抑制线粒体蛋白质合成机制(2002年1-2004年12月)
    3. I型内含子核酶的折叠、三级结构与剪接功能的研究(2002年1月-2004年12月)
    4. 以核酶为靶标的抗真菌感染药物的高通量筛选(2001年1月-2003年12月)
      863项目 “高通量药物筛选系统及多样性样品库的建立”2001AA234021中的子项目,子项目主持,15万元
    5. I型内含子RNA结构组学研究(2003年1月-12月)
    6. 抗白色念珠菌药物的高通量筛选(2003年1月-2005年12月),
      “武汉市晨光计划” 20035002016-23,主持,5万元
    7. 动态组合化学合成和药物筛选 (2003年4月-2005年12月),
    8. RNA折叠机制的研究(2004年1月-2006年12月)
    9. mRNA前体可变剪接的调控(12/2005-12/2010)
    10. I型内含子结构组学及其系统演化研究(2007年1月-2009年12月)
    11. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2007年1月-2009年12月),主持,50万元。
    12. 系统鉴定人细胞和组织内小RNA及其功能的研究(2007年6月-2010年11月)
    13. RNA 结合蛋白在I 型内含子核酶折叠中的作用(2008年1月-2010年12月)国家自然科学基金面上项目30770422,主持,30万元。


  • “重大新药创制”与“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”
  • 高等学校学科创新引智计划(111计划)


  1. 李太元,张翼,陈泽安。一种广谱性质粒稳定因子PSF-Cxc及其分离方法和应用。中国。专利号ZL01138323.2。授权公告日2005年5月11日。
  2. 彭玲、张翼、周洁华、包鹏辉、吴琼友、曲凡歧酰腙化合物及其制备方法和用途。中国。专利号ZL03125356.3。授权公告日2005年9月11日。
  3. 张翼、张礼斌。抗白色念珠菌感染的反义寡核苷酸序列及其应用。中国。专利号:ZL200510019317.0。授权公告日2007年9月19日。
  4. 张翼、童文平、王欣欣、谢茂华。一种双色荧光报告载体的构建方法和应用。专利号 200810047159.3 。授权公告日2010年10月15日。
  5. 张翼、毕延震、付向东、姜黎、王龙、马均。一种靶向沉默非编码致癌基因H19 RNA表达的单链反义RNA及其效果检测方法。专利申请号201010278297.x. 申请时间2010年9月。
  6. 张翼, 付向东, 吴同彬, 薛愿超, 邵长伟, 黄晨: 一种改进的clip法鉴定rna结合蛋白的靶标rna的方法. 武汉生命之美科技有限公司. Aug, 8 2012: CN102628038。
  7. 张翼, 付向东, 蔡志强, 薛愿超: DAPK3基因hsa-miR-20a的作用靶位点 .武汉生命之美科技有限公司Oct, 3 2012: CN 201210150061.7.